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L. Alikarami, Women and equality in Iran: Law, society and activism, I.B Tauris, London, 2019. (pending publication 2019)


L. Alikarami, Challenging Iran’s Legal Framework: Defenders of Human Rights Centre in, Human Rights and Drivers of Change in Iran.(Palgrave 2018).


L. Alikarami, The heartless father: A glance at the phenomenon of filicide in Iran,AMEWS E-Bulletin, Issue, January 2015.


L. Alikarami, The issue of minors and the death penalty under Iran’s criminal code,On the death penalty in Iran, Ensemble contre la peine de mort, Montreuil, France, 2014. 





Iran’s political paranoia includes children of foreign fathers, Al Monitor,December 2016. 


In Iran Female landmines survivors are third class citizens, Sisterhood, July 2016. 

(The Persian version published in Arman Newspapers). 


Will Iran’s new parliament improve women’s rights? Open Democracy,May 2016.


How Iranian women are using Sharia to their benefit, Al Monitor,March 2015.


To Become a Truly Legitimate World Player, Iran Must Prioritize Women’s Rights, The Huffington Post,October 2015. 


Iranian Women Human Rights Defenders: Challenges and Opportunities, Open Democracy,April 2015. 


UN must Hold Iran to Human Rights Promises, Al Monitor, October 2015. 


CEDAW and the Quest of Iranian Women for Gender Equality, Open Democracy, December 2014. 





Twenty years after the Convention to Ban Landmines, Arman Newspapers, September 2017.

بیست سالگی کنوانسیون منع مین های زمینی، شهریور ۱۳۹۶ 


The death of Maryam Mirzakhani and unsolved issue of nationality of children born to Iranian mother and foreign father, BBC Persian, September 2017.

وصیت مریم میرزاخانی؛ حل معادله ناتمام تابعیت برای فرزند مادرایرانی


The unsolved issue of nationality of children born to Iranian mothers and foreign fathers, Arman Newspapers,September 2017.


Why awareness raising about landmines is important? IRNA,April 2017.

چرا آگاهی از خطر مین امری است مهم؟  فروردین ۱۳۹۶ 


Independence of the lawyers, BBC Persian,October 2016. 


Iran’s accession to the Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, BBC Persian, March 2015.

پیوستن به سیدا پاسخی به تضادهای حقوقی و موقعیت زنان 


The difficult path of Iran’s accession to the CEDAW, The Feminist School,March 2015.

 راه دشوار پیوستن ایران به کنوانسیون رفع تبعیض از زنان

Discriminatory laws against women: a daily tragedy for Iranian women, Iran Wire,March 2015.

 قوانین ضد زن و تراژدی هر روزه زنان ایرانی

Masoumeh, Victim of acid attack or a hero, Iran Wire,October 2015.

 معصومه، قربانی اسید یا قهرمان زندگی؟

Custody of children, Iran Wire,December 2014.

راه های گرفتن حق حضانت فرزند


Women’s rights and recommendations that were not applied, BBC Persian,November 2014.

 حقوق زنان و توصیه‌هایی که انجام نشدند

Marital rape and the silence of the law, BBC Persian,November 2014.

 تجاوز در بستر زنانشویی و سکوت قانون – بی بی سی فارسی

The fight for Marriage portion and custody: From Tehran to Norway, Iran Wire, December 2014.

 جنگ مهریه و حضانت، از تهران تا نروژ

Right to Free trial and due process, Centre for Supporters of Human Rights,March 2014. 


What do Iranians know about the landmines, BBC Persian,April 2014.

 ایرانیان از مین چه می‌دانند؟

International covenant on civil and political rights: An effective tool to combat violence against women, The Feminist School, December 2011. 

 میثاق بین المللی حقوق مدنی و سیاسی، ابزاری قانونی جهت منع خشونت علیه زنان

Analysis polygamy under Iranian Law, The Feminist School,December 2011.



Discriminatory laws encourage discrimination against women, The Feminist School, November 2010.

 قانون نابرابر مروج خشونت علیه زنان است

Criticism of family protection Act, The Feminist School,November 2010.

The murder of Setayesh, the repetition of Leila's sad story, 2016

قتل ستایش، تکرار داستان غم انگیز لیلا


Legal ways for girls to marry without father's permission

راهكار قانونی ازدواج دختران بدون اجازه پدر



Why violence against women?

چرایی خشونت علیه زنان



Those who only need to have birth certificate

 بی‌شناسنامه ها یی که فقط یک شناسنامه می‌خواهند

Balouch Children, wishing for having birth certificate

کودکان بلوچ در آرزوی شناسنامه

What happened to the bill for violence against women

سرگردانی لایحه تامین امنیت زنان، اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۷

The impact of awareness of landmines and the way to combat them

اثرات آگاهی از مین و مقابله با آن- روزنامه اعتماد- ۱۵ فروردین ۱۳۹۵


Women who are divorced without knowing about it

زنانی که بدون اطلاع سه طلاقه می شوند، روزنامه شرق، شماره ۳۱۵۰ به تاريخ ۲۷/۲/۹۷، صفحه ۱۳ 

Landmines, the silence satins, taking the lives of innocent people

مین؛ شیاطین خفته قاتل انسان های بی گناه، آبان ۱۳۹۲ 



The murder of Atefeh, and a look at the issue of child-murdering

قتل عاطفه و نگاهی به پدیده فرزندکشی 



The arrest of lawyers in Iran, neglecting the law

بازداشت وکلا در ایران، نادیده گرفتن حاکمیت قانون


The independence of the lawyers, ensures the right to defend 

استقلال وکلا متضمن حق دفاع است


Divorce under Iran’s civil code, The Feminist School,September 2011.

بررسی حق طلاق در قوانین ایران به بهانه «نظریه تعدیل قانون حق طلاق!»


©2019 by Leila Alikarami

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